Manuel Knight v/s Syd James
I det nya numret av tidskriften "Filter" finns en reportage om den kände föreläsaren, sommarprataren, f d elitsoldaten och psykologen Manuel Knight. En nära vän till Syd var själv och lyssnade på Knight för snart 10 år sedan, flera gånger var han och berättade om sina fantastiska upplevelser och den starka gruppens utveckling m m. Ja, så var det och Syds kompis var lite imponerad han också, en nästan otrolig livshistoria fick man sig till livs. Tänk att en människa både hinner och kan uppleva så mycket! Men som Filter nu avslöjar för en bred publik, det verkar ha varit för bra för att vara sant. Det stämmer inte alls nämligen, en påhittad historia, och skall ni forstå Syd James egen berättelse så bör ni läsa senaste Filter (som vi gjort reklam för tidigare i denna spalt). Syd James' egen fantastiska historia fortsätter nedan.

Syd James: I grew up in the suburbs of Beautiful City, K-byn was the area. It was tough! Different gangs fought, it was Captain Blues Gang, Pee´s Gang (in swedish Ärtans liga), Bastiss Gang, Finnish Gang. It was hard for a poor guy like Syd. My parents divorced and I remember my mum crying one Christmas Night! I felt sorry for her! She couldn't afford to buy X-mas presents equal to what my biological father could. I wasn't old but I decided, saying to myself : "Never cry again on Christmas eve mum! Neither for Argentina!" I will become a soldier in the Special Forces! And then I will study at the University, and by the way I will be champion in FOOTBALL, yes we can mum! Don´t worry, not too much anyway!
And yes, We won the VBM in football, I joined the armed forces I13. Famous battle group! Long history. We met our enemies unarmed, just a gun. But we stood up! We were a tight group. Then I joined the fighting ambulance drivers and we were more into special feces than special forces. It was hard but we were tight. Brothers in broken arms!
Then after the battle of Bjursås I left the army to become almost a psycholigist! We work with people with no hope! It was tough, but we were a tight group. And then I moved to LA. Hard times, no money, big loans! Oil crisis! Not in the world but in our own oil tank. Me and my gal moved to the forest! I said to my mum: Don´t cry mum we´ll be back for X-mas! And we kept our promise, two hours later we were back. With a Christmas Tree! Mum was happy and I said to her! Don't get disappointed now mum, I have been lying; I´m only a Bachelor in Social Work. She cried (after X-mas) and said, I'm happy anyway. I said; That´s alright Ma, now you have happy tears. It was tough! Very tough!
And this story is what I´m going to tell company leaders, summer-radio listeners and all other who want to listen. And I will earn huge money, except for some money I will give all money, to people in need of more money! And then in my seminars I will add some notes about Maslow, Freud and some other guys. I see the potential of Syd! Summer speaker! Conferences. Add some small anecdotes now and then like; Once we were captured by enemies, bound to a tree and beaten up. Then Batiss Gang came an released us. Tough!
But dear listeners; the team! The spirit! United! WE can be number 1!. High five! Tjoflöjt! (tjo flute in english). I have seen it all but "You ain´t seen nothing yet!" as the famous philosopher Bachman Turner once said! We (name of the company)!, we can be no 1! Halleuluja ( halleluja in english)!
And so can the show go on for 10-15 years and then Filter will ask: The amazing Syd James, the story too good to be true? And inside the paper: The answer: No, this is true! No fake special feces here!